wish you a happy and prosperous Year of the Dog! maggie98,gkp

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The child is a father of the men.

I just leaned this story in an article today, talking about a child does have

sixth sense.

It said a mother regreted not listening to  her 10-year old son before

sending him off with his brother to take a Malaysia MH 17 plane to visit

their grandmother, when the mother was packing his luggage, she had been asked by her younger son. If I died where did I go? Where would I be buried?

Would I have feeling? He asked about death's matters.

The next day, before he was getting into the car, he asked his mother"May I hug you closely?"  On the train, he quietly watched the passing view, before going through immigration he kept looking back for his mother with very sad eyes, seemed he knew he was going to die.

Thus, the columnist said children are pure and real, before they are polluted, they still have the sixth sense.


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 Regarding the news of Malaysia Airline Flight 17 shot down by missile

in eastern Ukraine. The newspaper said it seemed the number "17"

was cursed. It is because the first flying day of this plane (boeing)

was on 17-7-1997 and crashed on 17-7-14, exactly 17 years.

Also, one of the victims of HK people, his restaurant in Netherlands

has been opened exactly 17 years.


Another one was the young man from Netherlands before his

boarding Flight 17, he took the picture in front of the plane and

on Facebook saying that "if this plane disappeared, it should

be like that."


Well, it was so coincident. Therefore, we better avoid making any

bad joke on things and the number of 17.




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取於霝兒自製浪漫圖框17 (兩小無猜插畫)





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  • Oct 14 Mon 2013 02:12
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2013-10-14. Monday






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